卫生保健服务提供格局正在迅速转变, and new competencies are required for clinicians to effectively navigate and succeed in this every changing health delivery environment.
在澳门网上赌博平台, the online program format allows students the flexibility to earn this certificate from any location, and engage with students and faculty who have a shared drive and passion for making a difference. 它旨在满足当前临床医生的需求, 同时又容易接近, 通过在线学习环境可以负担得起和实现.
卫生保健服务提供格局正在迅速转变, and new competencies are required for clinicians to effectively navigate and succeed in this ever changing health delivery environment. 全国各地的卫生系统都面临着成本上升的现实, 系统效率低下和卫生结果不佳. Population health is a broad approach that can be used to respond to these challenges, and aims to address disease and injury prevention with approaches that engage communities and populations through integration of public health and clinical practices.
There is increasing demand for health professionals that can navigate the ever changing and complex healthcare landscape. The online 人口健康证明书 prepares individuals with the skills to examine and respond to the challenges and opportunities to improve health within and across populations. It is designed to provide a comprehensive foundation in the essentials of delivering effective population health across the continuum of care. 该计划旨在指导卫生保健专业人员, or health professions students seeking to transform or create 可持续发展的 models of care from a population health perspective.
完成在线人口健康证明后, 学生将获得必要的技能:
- 从人口健康的角度审视复杂的医疗保健景观.
- 阐明并应用收集框架, 分析, 并利用数据为决策提供信息, 促进护理协调, and improve health outcomes of targeted populations within and outside the health system.
- 调查人口健康中疾病和伤害预防的新重点.
- 评估循证实践和干预措施的相对有效性.
- 解释由人口健康框架制定的公共卫生政策.
- Identify key socio-economic and cultural determinants of 人口健康结果.
- 分析美国的结构和经济.S. 医疗保健系统及其影响
人口健康结果. - Advocate effectively to constituencies both within and outside of the health system about the population health perspective.
全国各地的卫生系统都面临着成本上升的现实, 系统效率低下和卫生结果不佳. Population health is a broad approach that can be used to respond to these challenges, and aims at addressing disease and injury prevention with approaches that engage communities and populations through integration of public health and clinical practices.
The Online 人口健康证明书 prepares individuals with the skills to examine and respond to the challenges and opportunities to improve health within and across populations. The Graduate 人口健康证明书 provides a comprehensive foundation in the essentials of delivering effective population health across the continuum of care. There is increasing demand for health professionals that can navigate the ever changing and complex healthcare landscape. 该计划旨在指导卫生保健专业人员, or health professions students seeking to transform or create 可持续发展的 models of care from a population health perspective.
公共卫生, 通常称为人口健康, promotes and protects the health of communities and improves the quality of life for all people. The goal of public health is to promote disease and injury prevention through research, 社区干预和教育. A further defining goal of public health is its work towards addressing and eradicating health disparities and promoting healthcare equity, 质量和可访问性.
公共卫生是动态的, 多样化的, and growing field where practitioners work from a myriad of disciplines and approaches to improve the health and lives of people. Practitioners work together to address the root causes of complex and multi-faceted health problems in order to develop practical, 可持续和具有成本效益的解决方案.
有关出席费用的更多信息,请参阅我们的 经济援助页面. 学费奖学金适用于INOVA, Valley 健康和SU校友. 看到 研究生奖学金和学费折扣 页面.
人口健康是动态的, 多样化的, and growing field where practitioners work from a myriad of disciplines and approaches to improve the health and lives of people. Practitioners work together to address the root causes of complex and multi-faceted health problems in order to develop practical, 可持续发展的, 具有成本效益的解决方案.
The current employment outlook for health professionals is strong and growing annually. The demand for health professionals continues to rise in response to increasing domestic and international health concerns such as: growing problems with chronic diseases, 潜在的大流行, 空气和水质问题, 工作场所安全, 和更多的. 由于这些健康问题继续影响我们人民的健康, 仍然需要一支训练有素的保健部队来应对这些问题
澳门线上赌博平台大学’s 人口健康证明书 program is delivered entirely online. Students will attend classes and learn in an online environment that will be engaging and inter活跃的. 在线学习模式要求学生具有高度的积极性, 活跃的, 独立的, 自主学习者. Students are expected to think critically and act professionally in the application of course materials to real-world health problems.
This program will provide students with an opportunity to analyze current health problems from a variety of interdisciplinary and interprofessional viewpoints. The program provides coursework opportunities for students to obtain broad knowledge and basic skills in public health. The online 人口健康证明书 program provides a foundation in population health training, and earned certificate credit may be used towards completion of the MPH degree at 澳门线上赌博平台大学.
- PH 502-卫生专业人员的人口健康(3学分)
- PH 505-公共卫生的社会文化方面(3学分)
- PH 515-流行病学(3学分)
- PH 520-卫生政策和管理(3学分)
The population health certificate is uniquely designed for current and/or aspiring health care professionals to attain training in key areas of population health. 它旨在满足当前临床医生的需求, 同时又容易接近, 通过在线学习环境可以负担得起和实现.
查看申请截止日期, 项目的先决条件, and submit your application for Shenandoah’s graduate Public 健康 programs through the Office of 招生.
这个学位要花多少钱? 查看雪兰多大学的学杂费.
Public 健康 students have participated in a variety of international opportunities such as attending the World 健康 Assembly (WHA) in Geneva, 瑞士. Global Experiential 学习 (GEL) classes are also offered each year for students to work on community health education. 最近的公共卫生GEL旅行目的地包括海地、乌干达和尼泊尔.